Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 27: Red Door Salon

We have the RED Monkey, The GREEN Lantern, and the BLUE Mt Tavern and the PURPLE Parasol! Did you know there was a Red Door Salon? Red Door salon used to be DonsVacuums? They recently remodled the building as as they were tearing out old walls, floorings and ceilings, they came upon a rare find. The ceiling has over a hundred squares of beautiful original tin! I love looking up as I am getting shampooed and
gazing at the shiny embossed tin squares. Even if you are not needing your hair coifed, stop in and look up!
The salon is open 9-5 Monday through Fridays. Evenings and weekends by appointment. They offer pedicures, manicures, perms, colors and cuts. By the way the stylists are great too!

About the Author: KathyGeoghegan is a Real Estate Professional at . She
has called the Walla Walla Valley home for the past 12 years. She brings with her over 10 years of experience in the real estate industry. She is an active volunteer throughout the community and within her church activities.

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